The last thing we want to advocate is giving up tea and coffee in the name of food miles. In many busy workplaces, your weekday tea and coffee are a necessity, a treat and a culture - so we might as well honour them with a few extra chores before throwing them in the bin. For those of you who add your scraps to the compost bin, you can still do so in many of these applications once their task is complete. Twenty Things to Do with Your Brewed Tea and Coffee How to dispose of coffee grounds 1. Soften the skin Exfoliate with a body scrub made from coffee grounds, coconut oil and a little brown sugar. Massage gently in the shower, rinse and soften. 2. Pleasing flowers Cover acid-loving plants - roses, azaleas, rhododendrons, evergreens, hydrangeas and camellias - with coffee grounds. They love coffee grounds because of the natural acidity and nutrients they add to the soil. 3. Make ants sad Sprinkle coffee around ants Sprinkle coffee grounds around areas frequented by ants to deter ...